Planning Your Wedding Day? Don’t Stress Over The Details

Planning Your Wedding Day? Don’t Stress Over The Details

Planning Your Wedding Day? Don't Stress Over The Details

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Planning a wedding can be one of those wonderful, exciting times for any couple. Whether you plan to do it together and make every decision logically and with a joint discussion. Or whether one of you takes the reins and makes all the big decisions. You are both in for a roller coaster ride. One filled with emotion and unfortunately a little bit of stress. Even your guests will stress out over outfit choices and logistics. No one really knows how those brides do it, who says it was easy to manage.

Stress is one of those things that will affect many people in different ways. You may become anxious and upset, or perhaps thrive on the added pressure. Wedding planning can put you in some strange situations where you can feel a mix of those emotions. 

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Sure there will always be an element of stress and anxiety. After all, you are planning a big day. The day you are committing to someone else for the rest of your life. It is kind of a big deal. But it is possible to enjoy the planning process, get excited about organising the little details, and generally feel more relaxed with the whole thing. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. With that in mind, here are some of the ways to help you not to lose your cool on all those little details. 

Ways to help with all those little details

Planning Your Wedding Day? Don't Stress Over The Details

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Sometimes the little details are the things you end up stressing over the most. The things that perhaps you think will cause you the least amount of hassle turn into the biggest of dramas. Is there a bride to be out there who hasn’t panicked about seat covers or invitations? I think not. This is why you don’t need to sweat the small stuff.

There seems to be a lot of pressure on couples these days to do a lot of DIY in their weddings. Some people love this. They tend to be the ones who are naturally crafty. But for some of us who aren’t as talented, we can struggle under peer pressure. This might mean handmade invites and wedding stationery, or even creating your flower bouquets and buttonholes. But it doesn’t need to be this way. There are so many wonderful suppliers out there who can take some of this stress away. So if you want personalised wedding invites then order them. If you want white roses in your bouquet, then get the florist to do just that.

Panicking and stressing about the little details will only add unnecessary stress. Don’t conform to how you think you should be doing things, go your own way. 

Consider after the day as well as the big day

When it comes to wedding planning, you can focus way too much on the big day itself, and perhaps not any thought at all goes into after the event. This is the honeymoon that you may want to arrange. Some couples decide they are going to go away together straight after their wedding. Jetting off somewhere exotic or a place that means something to them.

Others like the idea of waiting a while, perhaps paying off the wedding first and then deciding on how to save for the honeymoon. There are, of course, different options for a honeymoon you could consider.  Beach holiday, a winter escape, a holiday of a lifetime, or a city break.

Another thing to think about after the event is a small gesture to thank your guests for attending your big day. This is when thinking ahead to wedding thank you cards and how you may want to present them or send them out is a lovely way to thank your guests for attending your day or for any gift they may have given you. It’s the small things like this that can make a real difference to how someone feels about you or your wedding day. Don’t get too wrapped up with the big day when there are things to think about after the event as well. 

Think about the bigger picture

When it comes to wedding planning, you can end up spending way too much time focusing on the little things. Honestly, those things on the day don’t matter so much. This is why you must always focus on the bigger picture. Focus on the day, and how you want it to be. What you might be feeling, and how you want things to go.

Too much time can be spent worrying about logistics and timings. But in the end, you don’t hear of many weddings going wrong. This is mainly down to venues and staff doing this sort of thing each week. They know how the wedding should flow and what happens when. Try and relax during the planning stages and enjoy it. The day goes far too quickly as it is, without spending the planning side of things stressing out. 

Planning Your Wedding Day? Don't Stress Over The Details

Allow yourself as much time as possible to plan

Planning a wedding takes longer than some people think. It isn’t unusual for someone to give themselves two years to do it. But on average people spend around eighteen months being engaged. Most brides start the planning more or less straight away. Which gives you an indication that these things take time. They are big decisions. With the average wedding costs rising year on year they are not decisions to make lightly.

So giving yourself as much time as possible will allow you to keep your cool when making all those big decisions. You may also find that a lot of things need booking in advance, this is especially noticeable with venues. There will, of course, be times of the year that are more popular to get married than others.

There will be a demand for specific dates, weeks, and months, so if you think that you may be wanting to marry in a high peak season time, then it may be worth booking the bigger things well in advance. Plus once you do have those things booked and the date decided, the smaller elements and the fun details can all fit into place seamlessly. 

The food and the drinks

There is one big detail of the wedding that it would be advisable not to put off and that would be the food and drinks side of things. You want to ensure that your guests are fed and watered on the big day, so take some time to think about what decisions you have to make.

The traditional wedding breakfast can be a great option, but you may want to think about something more informal like a buffet or even having street vendors giving out different options. Of course, the options that you have depend on the venue that you have chosen, so speak to them about it and also book in for tastings to ensure that you are happy with your choices.

Another thing to think about would be the drinks side of things. Are you giving a drink on arrival, drinks on the table, or even a glass of bubbles for speeches? These particular details can help to move the wedding along and keep your guests happy. 

Lists will be your friend

Do we all know the power of a list? How these things can really clear our minds? Now is the time to learn how a list can help you prioritise. When it comes to many things in life, from a simple to-do list for the day down to arranging a holiday and event, lists can help. So these things should become your best friend during your wedding planning.

It will allow you to focus on the job in hand and keep things running smoothly. You could even invest in a wedding planner. These can be extremely helpful for you to keep print-out versions of quotes or invoices, and enable you to write lists of things you need to do and complete. You could also keep track of the guest list, bookings, and how much money is owed versus the deposit paid, and generally keep your wedding completely organised in one area. Many people choose these and they can be excellent keepsakes to look back in years to come. 

Planning Your Wedding Day? Don't Stress Over The Details

Remember the most important points of the day

Finally, don’t forget the important points of the day. At the end of the day, you are marrying your partner. Your best friend. Your soulmate. That’s all that matters. That is the whole purpose of a wedding day. To show your commitment. Try and remember these points during the most stressful times. It will allow you to put everything into perspective.

It can be hard to not get preoccupied when problems occur and things downstairs go the way you had hoped. But the whole point of getting married is to join together as a team, a couple, and a family unit. In the end, the wedding will always work out the way it is supposed to. So try and not stress out about the colour of a napkin versus the colour of a chair bow, for example, no one will really notice these things on the big day. 

Let’s hope these tips help you out in your wedding planning.

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