The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

Weddings these days can be quite an expensive affair. There is no denying that the costs can soon spiral out of control, no matter how hard you try to rein in the budget and keep on top of things. You may start to price up things such as the venue, the food and drinks, and even the entertainment and the dress. But then there will be flowers to think about, the wedding stationery, decorations for your venues, and before you realise it, you have gone over budget. It’s staggering when you think that the amount spent on a wedding could be the equivalent of a house deposit. 

But with it being so easy to let the costs spiral out of control, how can you keep the costs down without spoiling what is going to be one of the best days of your life? There are some clever things you can do, things you can do yourself, and the fact that organisation, preparation, and research can play a big part. With that in mind, here are a few tips and tricks to keep your budget down to where it needs to be and to spot your mind spiralling out of control with wedding fever.         

Tips and tricks to keep your budget down

The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

Have conversations and get those quotes in stat

The first thing you need to do is discuss with your partner would be the type of wedding you want. Alongside that conversation, you would be able to decide on the size of your wedding you are having and the budget. It’s so important to set the budget you have at the beginning, so you know the guidelines you need to adhere to. Without a clear budget, you can go a little crazy. It could also cause you to spend more on things when you don’t need to.

This conversation should be something fun to have, as you both figure out what it is you want and don’t when it comes to the big day. When you have the groundwork you can start getting some costs and quotes to help you figure out whether you are within budget. 

Getting quotes on every aspect of your wedding is important. This is your benchmark. I always recommend working off a worst-case scenario. This means that if a cost surprises you by being lower than you expected then some finances could be allocated elsewhere. Or you could upgrade what you are having. It avoids disappointment from the outset. 

Get the important things out of the way 

Try and get some of the bigger things organised, negotiated, and booked as soon as possible. Bookings made in advance can save you money as you get them at that price. Companies tend to put prices up year on year. You may think it’s early, but it’s always best to secure a lower price now than pay more nearer the time. It is also recommended to look into the aspects of the wedding that cost the most money and work out any ways you can save yourself some of your budgets. It might be that you can build up your own package, leaving out elements that won’t suit your day, for example. 

The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

Time to get practical

There will be elements of the wedding that you initially think that you will want to do yourself, and that is understandable. After all, adding DIY touches to decorations or wedding stationery can not only give your wedding a personal touch, but it can also help you to define the theme and be consistent with something. However, it is also important for you to get practical, and often that means that you don’t have the time to create your own invitations and such.

This is when looking online seeking out wedding invites could be the answer. It could help you to find a style and look that suits your theme and vision, as well as being low on cost. Not to mention saving you time. 

There are, however, many things you can do yourself. You can look at sourcing decorations and fitting out the venue the day before. You can look at being unique and creating your own wedding favors. These things can take time, but you also have a lot more of a timeline to get them completed, whereas invites and such might need to be done sooner rather than later. 

Do you have a theme?

Do you have a theme? Have you thought about it? Many brides are fully aware of the style they would like to create and often this can be based on color, but you can also have a specific theme in mind that can help you set the tone for the whole day. Stick to your theme from the minute you start wedding planning.

It starts with your invitation and should flow right through your wedding. However, thinking about such details doesn’t mean upping your cost. It means that you can find alternative ways to have a magical day without spending a fortune. You can create your own elements, you can spend time looking online for the perfect fit, and also speaking with friends and family to get some great ideas and concepts. 

The Best Ways To Avoid Your Wedding Budget Spiralling Out Of Control

Research, research, research 

The last tip would be to research as much as you can. You can look into doing things yourself or get some quotes so that you can compare prices. Don’t accept the first price, always go back with a counteroffer. The worst they can say is no. But, if you don’t ask you don’t get.

Research can also help you to identify things you may want to incorporate into your wedding, that you won’t have thought of before. This is when wedding blogs, Instagram accounts, and Pinterest will fast become your new best friends. There are so many ideas out there, many low cost where people have shared their budget weddings and experiences, that could inspire you to help implement some of the details into your own day. 

The most important thing is not to let it overtake your life. Your wedding will be amazing whatever you spend as you are getting married to the love of your life. Good luck with your wedding planning. 

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