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Grooms often do not place much importance on their self-care leading up to a wedding aside from shaving on the day, trimming their hair, and wearing a suit. Whether you are the bride or groom, it is never too early to start thinking about how you want to look on your wedding day. The photos and videos will be your only physical records of the day, and you do not want to look back at them and dislike the way you look.
Grooms: 5 Tips To Look Your Best on Your Wedding Day
But who says that the groom cannot look amazing on the biggest day of their life? Here are 5 tips to help grooms look their best on their wedding day.
Start planning as early as possible
The earlier you start thinking about your wedding day looks, the better. From the suit and shoes that you choose to your hairstyle and facial hair, all elements should come together to achieve the style you are looking for. Some grooms may want to lose some weight, tone up, and get a healthy tan, and some may want to take things a step further with a cosmetic procedure like a hair transplant or anti-wrinkle treatments. This may take time to achieve, so it is important to get planning as soon as you can. For more information on hair transplants, visit

Prioritise skincare
Brides have the option of putting on a lot make-up for their wedding day to cover blemishes or rashes, and although there is no real reason why men cannot do the same, many do not feel comfortable doing so. Either way, in the months leading up to the wedding, you should be taking care of your skin. This means drinking plenty of water, eating fruit and vegetables (and less junk food), using a moisturiser and sun protection of at least SPF-15.
Eat and drink well
Drinking plenty of water and eating a clean diet of fresh food with minimal processed foods and sugar is good for your overall health, but it also has many benefits in terms of helping you look your best. Getting the right vitamins and minerals can lead to stronger hair, clearer skin, less bloating, and a more youthful appearance. Start as soon as you can after getting engaged and you will look and feel great on the day.

Whiten your teeth
You want your smile to shine bright and proud on the day and in all the photos you will appear in. A simple tooth whitening treatment can make a big difference to both your appearance and your confidence and can be done by most professional dentists or via an at-home teeth whitening kit.
Trim your facial hair
Whether you have a full beard, goatee, moustache, stubble, or are clean-shaven, your facial hair should not be an afterthought. It should be well maintained and in good condition to ensure you look your best, so you may want to consider a trip to a barber the day before the wedding. Your eyebrows may also need a tidy up which can be done with some tweezers, wax, or threading, either at home or by a professional.