What To Consider When Creating The Seating Chart

What To Consider When Creating The Seating Chart

groom text on table

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When it comes to organising a wedding we know how tricky some of the decisions can be. The wedding dress, the bridal party, the venue and everything in between. Not to mention the difficult conversation surrounding the budget. But, there is one thing that many brides and grooms can struggle with and that is the all-important seating chart.

Figuring out who should sit where, can people be sat next to one another, and also the decisions around the top table. It is tough. But, there are a few things to consider that will help the whole process of organising a seating chart. Here are some of the things to think about. 

Organising the wedding seating chart

white table mat - Organising the wedding seating chart

The top table 

The top table can often be the one that causes much controversy. There are a couple of things to think about when it comes to tradition. But ultimately you need to be sat up there with a few people on either side of the bride and groom. 

Who sits where? 

Tradition states that you should have the couple, and then the best man and maid of honour, potentially parents and that would be it. Of course, in today’s modern world, there are considerations to make such as whether you have kids. Some top tables don’t include bridesmaids or best man anymore. Kids can sit at the top table, and you can present just as a family. This can often avoid any arguments and keep things simple. 

elegant flowers placed on table near candles - Organising the wedding seating chart

Should it be just you two? 

Many couples choose to have just themselves on a top table now. It can avoid issues with families and friends as you sit everyone elsewhere or close by to you. Parents can sit with family members and the rest of the bridal party can be sat with friends. 

Separated parents

There is, of course, sometimes the issue of separated parents. It can often be too much to have separate parents sat together on the top table, and indeed whether to include partners of parents or not. There will always be complications with this so you will want to approach these decisions sensitively. Take time to work out whether your parents can sit together amicably and if their partners will be happy to sit elsewhere. If there is any issue, then a great tip is to avoid parents altogether and focus on you as a couple or a family with your children. 

elegantly set table with cutlery plates and wineglasses - Organising the wedding seating chart

The seating chart

Once you have tackled the top table it is now time to think about the seating chart for the rest of your guests. This can still be tricky as you will have a few people to consider, family members, friendship groups, and also perhaps tension you might want to avoid. So here are some of the things to think about when putting the seating chart together. 

Sitting groups of people together

It is important to take the time to think about sitting groups of people together that know one another. This makes it easy for people to enjoy themselves and conversations to flow. I appreciate that often this might not always be the case or possible, but when you can, it will help to set out the chart. You can also mix groups together. So sit a few people that know each other at the table with people that know others in a different way. This helps mix people together, such as families or friendships from both sides. 

depth of field photo of clear drinking glass on white table near plate - the all-important seating chart.

Identify potential tension now

Not every family is perfect and not every friendship group is free from tension or drama. So it is important to try and highlight that while you are putting the seating chart together. Think about possible scenarios and discuss whether people like one another when you are sitting at the same table. If they don’t know each other think about personality traits and whether they have things in common. 

A separate kid’s table? 

If children are invited to your wedding then you may want to think about where the kids will sit. Younger children may want or need to be sat with parents, but you may also want to separate the kids or keep them occupied during other aspects of the day such as speeches. A separate kids’ table could be the answer.

You can have a children’s table for the meal for older kids, or simply have a table filled with colouring and other things to keep them occupied that they can happily sit at throughout the meal. Keeping kids with their parents may be important, but also keeping them happy and occupied will also help the day run smoothly. 

I hope these tips help you when it comes to creating the seating chart. 
