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Forget the place settings and centrepieces, perhaps even put your wedding dress to the back of your mind for a moment, the hen party needs attention because it is your chance to celebrate with your tribe your big day.
It’s a whole new year and with that comes resolutions and goal setting. It’s natural for many of us to sit down and plan what we want to do in the next year. It might be travelling more, improving your career, or even working on yourself to get the abs we have always wanted. But for many women, their sole attention has turned to wedding planning because they are getting married this year. Is this you? Are you a 2022 bride?
Some women may have even got engaged over the festive period, so a huge congratulations are in order. You might all be sitting in a sea of wedding magazines with to-do lists as long as your arm, but one thing I think any bride should be thinking about is the hen party.
Time to plan the hen party!
We all have a tribe, don’t we? The girls we can rely on in those darkest moments. The ones that know everything about you, and yet still want to know you. Then there are those friends that just know a little too much, am I right? So spend a bit of your time and attention planning the perfect hen party as a celebration of your tribe.
This is why I thought I would share with you some planning tips and suggestions to create and plan the perfect hen party. Even if you delegate this task to your trusted bridesmaid, you will be thankful to be having a send-off in style. After all, you know the groomsmen will be planning their big celebration.

Who do you want there?
One of the first things to consider would be who you want at your hen party. This is where it’s important to make a list of who you want and the people you feel obliged to invite. But, don’t let that dictate what you want to do. If needs be, you could organise two events. You main hen party and a gathering of everyone, so that nobody feels left out.
Many women would like to celebrate with their mum and grandmother, but yet don’t fancy taking them around a nightclub anytime soon. This means that putting a focus on two different events could help you keep the peace and get the best of both worlds. You also need to consider numbers as well, and give plenty of notice if it is something that has a cost to it, or may require time off from the workplace.
What type of hen party would you like?
Another important factor would be the type of hen party you want. Do you want something relaxing and invigorating, or something where you get to dress up and party the night away? Are you wanting something where you learn like a cocktail-making class? Or something that allows you to relax and not focus on anything too complicated? Consider traveling in style to your destination with car rentals or other luxury transport options. Maybe an LA Party Bus can take you to all the hotspots of your chosen location?
These are things worth considering to help you decide on the type of hen party. But it will also help you distinguish a cost and when might be the best time for your hen party to take place.
How long will the hen party last?
Many men and women decide that their hen and stag parties will last longer than a night, and love the idea of making a weekend out of it. You may have the same line of thinking and want it to be a hen weekend, so it’s worth considering your options.
A weekend allows you to relax and enjoy the festivities a little more. This also works well if you need to travel any length of time – perhaps you’re heading out of town to catch a concert together, having got tickets on, for example – so that your hen party isn’t a rushed affair. But if you plan on making it longer than an evening out, then make sure you give the ladies a lot of notice. There may be work or childcare that they need to consider, and of course, cost.
Will you stay local or go abroad?
If you want a hen party to remember, then the location is key to this. Many women decide to take their hen party abroad and go away for a weekend. Perhaps jetting off to the sun for some relaxation or to the party of vibes of locations like Ibiza. Hen parties abroad can have a hefty price tag so a lot of research may be needed to ensure you get a good deal that everyone will be happy with. However, staying local can be just as fun, and it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a night away. Treat yourself to a flashy hotel in your local city, and enjoy your hometown in style.

How to keep everyone in the loop with your plans
One main issue you will face is keeping everyone in the loop regarding your hen party plans, the cost, and the details. Such things as Facebook and Whatsapp can help you out. Both these applications enable you to create a group message where everyone can respond and keep up to date. It’s much easier to update the one place than sending multiple texts or making lots of phone calls. Using Facebook means you could create a group for you all to keep up to date in, and it’s also a great place to share the photographs and gossip after the event away from prying eyes.
Combat the argument of cost straight away
Finally, one of the huge problems you will face that could turn a little nasty is the subject of cost. Not everyone is in the same financial position, and this can be a delicate subject to approach. If you decide you want a hen party that has a cost to it, then be upfront about the total straight away. Giving plenty of notice will allow your friends to decide whether they can commit to it or not. Don’t shy away from doing something you want to do. Having the cost talk first should combat any future issues with payment.
I hope this helps you on your way to planning an amazing hen party with your amazing tribe of friends.