When it comes to your wedding day there can often be a lot of elements that you find tricky, and choosing your first dance song can be one of them. After all, it is an important part of the wedding reception so you want to make sure that you get it right. You also need to consider your taste in music so often the usual suspects you hear as first dance songs are just not going to cut it.
Wedding first dance songs from the ’70s
Many people turn to a specific era for inspiration, and if you thought the 70s were swinging then here are some of the best wedding first dance song options from those years gone by.

Your Song – Elton John
“And you can tell everybody this is your song, It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind, That I put down in the words, How wonderful life is while you’re in the world”
This is a perfect song for anyone who loves Elton John music and also wants a first dance tune that just covers all bases. This song is at a slower pace, but enough for you to feel like there is movement. An ideal and more popular choice.
Let’s stay together – Al Green
“I, I’m I’m so in love with you, Whatever you want to do, Is all right with me”
I think this one is a great first dance choice and while it is well-known can often be underrated and not used. It is a slow pace, perfect for couples who just want to sway, and is well-known enough for everyone to enjoy the moment.
Love – John Lennon
“Love is real, real is love, Love is feeling, feeling love, Love is wanting to be loved”
A real love song is this one. Very slow-paced, and possibly one for a couple that is a little edgier than wanting to choose something more popular. It is a great choice, but one that is longer than some of the other options.

Wonderful Tonight – Eric Clapton
“And then she asks me, “Do I look alright?” And I say, “Yes, you look wonderful tonight”
This is a lovely first dance choice. It is a litter underrated and perhaps not hugely popular, but it is quite well-known considering. A slow pace, ideal for a sway while you look into each other’s eyes. The ideal option when it comes to a first dance song that anyone can relate to.
For once in my life – Stevie Wonder
“For once in my life, I have someone who needs me. Someone I’ve needed so long. For once, unafraid, I can go where life leads me. Somehow I know I’ll be strong”
This is a classic song, but perhaps not the first choice when it comes to the iconic Stevie Wonder. It is a great tune that is a little more up-tempo. It discusses the fact that at this stage you have each other and that’s all that matters. There is a lot of sentiment and romance to this song making it a great first dance number.
You are the sunshine of my life – Stevie Wonder
“You are the sunshine of my life, That’s why I’ll always be around. You are the apple of my eye, Forever you’ll stay in my heart “
A bit more of an up-tempo song but another classic from Stevie Wonder. This one is a more popular choice for a first dance song. There is wonderful meaning to the lyrics and is a choice that many couples could feel happy with.

Lovely Day – Bill Withers
“Then I look at you, And the world’s alright with me. Just one look at you, And I know it’s gonna be, A lovely day”
This is definitely a song that is well-known and perfect if you are not the romancing sort of couple. While there is sentiment to the lyrics, it is more focused on how you know you are just going to have a great day because you are waking up together. A great analogy for a couple to live by.
How Deep is your love – Bee Gees
“How deep is your love, how deep is your love, I really mean to learn, ‘Cause we’re living in a world of fools, Breaking us down when they all should let us be, We belong to you and me”
This is another song that many people know and one that could make an excellent first dance choice. It might not be the usual choice, but it is one that many people love and you can dance a little more to it than just needing to sway.
This will be (an everlasting love) – Natalie Cole
“This will be, an everlasting love, This will be, the one I’ve waited for, This will be, the first time anyone has loved me”
Lastly, this one is a little more upbeat and is perfect for couples that want to dance a little more. It is a popular choice and a well-known tune. Certainly, one that can encourage everyone to the dance floor.
I hope this has given you plenty of inspiration if you are choosing your first dance song for your wedding day.