Dealing With Annoying Habits In A Partner

Dealing With Annoying Habits In A Partner

Dealing With Annoying Habits In A Partner

We all have to deal with annoying habits in the people around us sometimes, but when those habits are in our partner it can be difficult to deal with. This is generally because when they are in a coworker, or friend, you can limit your exposure to them, but when in a partner, you have to live with them. The following are some tips for dealing with the annoying habits that your partner may have:

Adjustment periods happen

Most people only notice the annoying habits of their partner when they first move in together or get married, or start dating, etc. It is typically something that is initial, and takes time to get used to. It is important to realize that if you don’t say or do something about it upfront, it will be harder to deal with later, as it will cause embarrassment to them if they know you have hated it all along and never said anything. Try to be sensitive to that, and determine what habits you simply can’t deal with.

Dealing With Annoying Habits In A Partner

We all have annoying habits

Be charitable. There are probably things about you that annoy your partner, so remember to be kind and tactful when addressing anything that rubs you the wrong way.

Don’t make them feel defensive

When discussing an annoying habit in your partner be sure to use sensitivity so that you do not put them on the defensive. If you start the blame game, finger pointing, or make them feel bad, or less than they are because of it, they will certainly not respond well. Be understanding, and empathize.

Discuss it nicely and in a semi-humorous manner

Sometimes humor is the best way to deal with an annoying habit. It can be really helpful to infuse an uncomfortable situation with humor, just make sure the humor is not at their expense. If they sniff a lot, exaggerating the sniff, and making a joke out of it may make them feel bad.

Dealing With Annoying Habits In A Partner

Address it without condemnation

No one is intentionally annoying to those around them, so be sure that when you decide to talk to your partner about an annoying habit that they have, that you do so without condemnation. For example, if they pick at their teeth a lot in public and it embarrasses you, you may want to avoid using that exact phrase. Instead let them know that you have noticed their habit of doing so, and would prefer if they did it in private.

Propose a solution, such as offer them a package of floss picks, or wisps, so that they have something on hand to quickly and privately take care of any food stuck in their teeth.

Approach it as a way to better accommodate one another, rather than annoying habits. Having a discussion about it, and letting them know you are open to adjusting to better accommodate them as well can be very helpful for eliminating or taking care of annoying habits without jeopardizing your relationship in the process.

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