10 Tips For A Better Marriage

10 Tips For A Better Marriage

10 Tips For A Better Marriage

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Divorce is not the answer. So many adults’ and children’s lives have been turned upside down by divorce. Marriage takes two to make it work, and sometimes, one has to give a little more than the other. If you really love each other, you can make things work!

Tips to help you in your marriage

10 Tips For A Better Marriage


you have to trust your partner. Without trust here will always be turmoil. No one wants to be questioned constantly about where they are, who they were with and questions such as this. Don’t call them on the cell phone all day asking questions. It is OK to call once or maybe twice, but don’t take things to the limit with the calling.

Be Honest

Nothing can make a marriage stronger than to be honest about everything. Do not charge money on the credit card and not tell your spouse. This is very bad. What do you think is going to happen when they find out? Besides, if you cannot be honest about little things, are you hiding bigger issues? For instance, if you need to make a purchase that is more than you would normally spend, talk with your spouse about it. Make sure both of you are in total agreement about issues. Honesty will take you and your spouse into many happy years together.

Help Each Other

If you both work for a living, share the chores that need to be done in the household. If he is responsible for the outside lawn cutting, maintenance and repairs, then she should help inside with dishes, laundry and cooking. You and your spouse can share chores so no one can say “I do more around here than you do!”. Up keep on a house is hard work too. As you are maintaining your home, you can be maintaining your marriage at the same time.

10 Tips For A Better Marriage


Any issue that is addressed as a problem, sit down and talk. Tell each other how you really feel about the situation. Try to talk without distractions, such as loud noises, children and phones ringing. I know that is also a challenge sometimes to get peace and quiet. If you have small children, wait until they are off to bed, then sit down and talk. Turn phones off and listen to what each other has on their mind.

Make Sure to Love Each Others Family

You don’t have to be his/her family’s best friend, but it helps. If you do not get along with his/her family, there will be problems for a long time. Family is very important for a strong marriage. Deaths, Illness’ and births are all part of life, however thy are also part of being a family. Having a bond with both sides of ones family can be wonderful and your marriage will love you for it!

Support Each Other

No matter what your spouse does or decides to do during your marriage, support them. If you are not a supportive spouse, your partner will resent it later.

10 Tips For A Better Marriage

Support His/Her Decisions

If you talk things out like I mentioned earlier, this should not be an issue. Once a decisions has been made about an issue, stand behind on another. Being supportive of a spouse’s decisions can make life with your spouse very happy. Work together on things your believe in.

Money Issues

There is not a couple on Earth that has not argued about money. Money is the root of all evil. Money should be a something that both parties are very involved in. There must be an understanding about money from the beginning. As I also mentioned, do not hide money or charges from your spouse, this will only lead to trouble. Talk about finances, both parties need to know where money is being spent and everybody is in agreement.

Get Away From Home

Take a little time off now and then to spend with each other. Go out of town, find a nice little vacation destination. Time away from chores and career work will help both of you relax and enjoy being together. Pick somewhere you both will like.

10 Tips For A Better Marriage

Do Something Special

Doing little things for your spouse can mean so much. Cook his/her favorite dinner, or take them out. Bring home flowers for no reason at all. Buy them a gift card to their favorite store. Treat him/her to the spa for relaxation. Something as small as sending them a card, can tell your spouse that you love them.

Final Thoughts

Marriage can move mountains if you are willing to work at it. Tell your spouse every day that you love them. It only takes a moment to show them you care. Both parties in a marriage should work on the marriage from day one. A little effort can go a long way! Always try to work any problems out, never give up on your marriage. I hope these tips can help with your marriage, the way they have strengthened mine over the years.

Photo Credit: depositphotos.com
