Ways to calm your nerves before your wedding

Ways to calm your nerves before your wedding

Ways to calm your nerves before your wedding

Many couples find themselves feeling anywhere from jittery to downright petrified in the days and weeks leading up to their wedding. Too many of them exacerbate the problem by assuming that these feelings are somehow bad or unacceptable when, in fact, they are totally normal.

It is completely normal to be nervous before your wedding. You are talking about the rest of your life, after all. It would actually be more unusual if you weren’t a little nervous on some level before committing the rest of your life to one person.

Ways to calm your nerves before your wedding

Acknowledge your feelings

Sometimes, reassuring yourself by acknowledging your feelings as normal is all it takes to calm your fears. When you are in the throes of pre-wedding panic, it can feel like you are the only person in the world who ever felt this way.

Nerves are very common

Recognising that these feelings are actually very common and totally normal might be enough to calm you down and even if it isn’t enough to completely assuage all your fears, hopefully you will feel a little better after realising that you are not alone.

You are only as sick as your secrets

There is an old saying that says, ‘You are only as sick as your secrets‘. Keeping your feelings a secret might seem like a good idea in theory. After all, you don’t want to hurt your future spouse’s feelings or lead anyone in your life to believe that you have serious doubts about whether or not you are making the right decision.

Ways to calm your nerves before your wedding

Don’t suffer in silence

But keeping these feelings to yourself merely allows them to grow and fester. Your mind can be a very dangerous place for thoughts like this to hang out by themselves. Invite someone you trust into that world with you. Saying out loud that you are scared or nervous often cuts the feelings in half and the people in your life whom you trust have probably experienced something along these lines before.

But they can’t help you get through it if you don’t give them a chance to. You don’t have to announce to the world that you are getting cold feet, but telling one or two people who are close to you is a great way to vent that fear and get it out of you.

Talk to your partner

Talk to your partner if you are still having a tough time. Chances are, you are not the only one feeling nervous, and that doesn’t mean you are making a mistake. It just means that you are human. Talk openly and honestly about it and get through it together, and you will set the stage perfectly for a great life together.

Photo Credit: Unsplash.com
