Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

As far back as the 13th century B.C., the Egyptians gave wedding rings on their wedding day as a token of their commitment. In the 13th century A.D., couples in Europe gave both an engagement and a wedding ring made from precious metals. Today, the engagement ring is typically adorned with precious stones, and the wedding ring is a flat band that sits below the diamond engagement ring on the fourth finger of the left hand.

13th Century B.C. Egypt

In ancient Egyptian times couples exchanged rings at their wedding as a symbol of permanence. The unique rings were traditionally made of hemp or reed. Because the ring was continuous, with no break or seam, it represented eternity.

Metal rings were given during biblical times at the betrothal. These rings were made from valuable metal and were often the only dowry that a family could afford. The ring was worn on the third finger, now known as the ring finger, because it was believed that the finger contained the vena amoris, or the vein of love, which traveled directly to the heart.

The ancient Egyptians were the first group of people to start using wedding rings. Men gave women wedding rings as symbols of the man’s confidence that the woman would be good at keeping house and being a wife. The Egyptians’ use of the wedding ring spread to other cultures who appreciated its symbolism. Ancient Greeks followed the Egyptians and gave wedding rings to the father of the woman they wished to marry. This was considered part of the ritual of asking permission to marry the man’s daughter.

Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

Symbolism Of The Wedding Ring In Ancient Rome

In Ancient Rome, a wedding band was a symbol of ownership and nor for eternal love. The rings worn on the fingers of Romans were symbolic of the ring used to carry the keys to their household. This included keys to their stable, food stores, and basic rooms in the home.

Members of the upper class had key rings and wore rings made from precious metal like gold, while members of the working classes had key rings and wore rings made from unadorned iron. When a man gave his wife a wedding ring it both marked her as his possession and symbolically gave her control over his household.

Ancient Romans in the second century B.C. gave their wives a gold band, which was considered a fine piece of jewellery. The wedding ring has an important role, and it was first given to the woman’s father as a way of asking for her hand in marriage. The yellow gold ring was only worn in public to show society that the woman was married to a man with means.

Men gave women a second ring to wear at home which had the characteristics of a key. The ring was meant to help the wife keep the house. It was fashioned as a key so that she could open a locked box or boxes that contained important information or items for the household.

Early 13Th Century A.D. Europe Wedding Ring Traditions

In the early 13th century Pope Innocent III commanded that there be a long engagement period between a betrothal and the actual wedding ceremony. During this period, the

beautiful rings were given as a sign of agreement to seal any marriage contract. Prior to Pope Innocent’s order, only one finger ring was given, because the betrothal and wedding occurred in a very short time span. After the change was made, two simple rings were given, as the betrothal and the marriage were seen as two distinct contractual arrangements: the first, a contract between two families, and the second, a covenant between two individuals and God.

Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

Later Developments Of The Plain Metal Bands

The first jeweled engagement ring was given in 1477 by Austria’s Archduke Maximilian. He presented a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy when their betrothal was finalized. During the 16th century, the first known diamond ring was moved from the third finger of the right hand to the third ring finger of the left hand. This may have been a symbol of woman’s inferiority and subservience since the right hand was known as the “hand of power.” Men did not wear wedding rings until the Second World War when they began to wear plain gold bands as physical reminders of their wives back home.

History Of Wedding Rings And The Rich History Of It

The wedding ring became a symbol of marriage in ancient times. wedding rings were considered a gift from a man to a woman as a symbol that he trusted her to be a good wife. The wedding ring also showed the public that a woman was married and should be left alone by suitors. wedding rings have evolved over the years into more modern and practical forms of jewelry, although their ancient symbolism still remains intact today.

Jewish Wedding Ring Symbolism

Wedding rings became part of the Jewish wedding ceremonies in the eighth century A.D. The Jewish ceremony included a large wedding ring that was owned by the Synagogue where the wedding was taking place. The ring was too large to wear and was shaped like the rooftop of the Synagogue. The wedding ring is an important part of the Jewish wedding ceremony. A Jewish wedding becomes law when a valuable gift is given to the bride from the groom. In modern times, the wedding ring should be a plain gold band to symbolize the marriage as one of simple beauty.

Symbolism Of Wedding Rings

Christian Significance And Christian Faiths

Wedding rings became part of the Christian wedding ceremony in the third century. Christians exchanged wedding rings that were inscribed with meaningful pictures and scriptures during their marriage ceremonies. The clergy was not happy about including the rings in the wedding ceremony since the church felt it was a materialistic practice. The gold rings were allowed into the church in order to adapt to the cultural climate of the time rather than as a symbol of the marriage sacrament itself. It was not until the 13th century that wedding exchange of rings was accepted by the Christian clergy and considered a symbol of love between the married couple.

Ring Finger Theories

The fourth finger on the left hand has been the ring finger since ancient times. The ancients believed that this finger had a vein that reached directly into the heart. The perfect ring, when placed on this finger, would remind both the man and the woman that they love and cherish one another. The left hand is also usually the least used hand, which means the ring would be less likely to get in the way of a woman’s daily work when on the left hand rather than the right hand.

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